[Agda] [ Agda-Pkg ] The package manager
Jonathan Steven Prieto Cubides
2018-10-09 15:54:06 UTC
Dear Agda users and developers,

I'm glad to share with you a package manager for Agda.


Any feedback or contribution to improving it, it's very welcomed.
I hope you like this tool.

Briefly, this is what I have:

+ agda-pkg<https://github.com/apkgbot/agda-pkg>: the command line tool
+ package-index<https://github.com/apkgbot/package-index>: an index with some Agda libraries. Agda-Pkg uses this index.
+ github-bot<https://github.com/jonaprieto/agda-pkg-server>: it's a bot to index automatically new release versions from Github Agda libraries.
(It works as I showed in the last meeting but not working nowadays, I'm planning to make it
online again later.)

Nowadays, there are some libraries available but if you want to make available your library for
other users, it's easy, make a pull request to the package-index<https://github.com/apkgbot/package-index> following the same structure
of the other libraries or just let me know. :)

Best Regards,

