[Agda] am I doing something fundamentally impredicative in this code? or is there a better approach
Carter Schonwald
2018-02-01 22:13:58 UTC
Hello everyone! i'm messing around with trying to mock / model out first
class "signed values", and with a toy development i'm getting some type
universe issues which makes me suspect i'm modelling it wrong,

feedback would be appreciated,
is the current version of the code

many thanks!
also including it inline below

module auth where

open import Data.String
open import Data.Nat
open import Level
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as Het

-- SignedBy will be a magic built in type that requires type checker support
-- seems likely in practice that i'll need to have some singleton structures
record SignedBy {ℓ } (t : Set ℓ ) ( identity : String ) : Set ℓ where
val : t
uniqueCounter : ℕ --- unique natural number th
hashOfVal : ℕ --- nat number thats a Cryptographically Strong Hash of
the canonical serialization of val
signature : String --- signature of concatenation of
---(hashfOfVal , uniqueCounter), using the public
key denotated by identity

data AsDelegate : Set where
IsDelegate : AsDelegate
IsLeaf : AsDelegate
open AsDelegate

record TypeSing {ℓ : Level} ( tau : Set ℓ ) (v : tau) : Set ℓ where
singVal : tau
singIsSing : singVal ≡ v

record Pair {tx ty : Level} ( x : Set tx ) (y : Set ty ) : Set ( Level.suc
(tx Level.⊔ ty )) where
constructor mkPair
one : x
two : y

data OnBehalfOf : String -> String -> AsDelegate -> Set where
Self : { x : String } -> OnBehalfOf x x IsDelegate
DelegatedTo : {root mid : String} -> (end : String)->
SignedBy ( mkPair (OnBehalfOf mid root IsDelegate) (
TypeSing String end)) mid ->
---- not sure how to hack around this type universe issue...
am I getting impredicative or wishing i was?
OnBehalfOf end root IsDelegate
LeafAuth : {root mid : String} -> (end : String) -> OnBehalfOf mid root
IsDelegate -> OnBehalfOf end root IsLeaf

equivalent datalog would be (roughly)
onBehalfOf(agent,originalPerson,Delegate) :-
onBhealfOf(leafAgent,originalPerson,LEAF) :-
Carter Schonwald
2018-02-01 23:05:56 UTC
the fine folks on IRC helped me get to the bottom of this, needed to remove
a needless level suc and replace a use of mkPair with Pair
Post by Carter Schonwald
Hello everyone! i'm messing around with trying to mock / model out first
class "signed values", and with a toy development i'm getting some type
universe issues which makes me suspect i'm modelling it wrong,
feedback would be appreciated,
is the current version of the code
many thanks!
also including it inline below
module auth where
open import Data.String
open import Data.Nat
open import Level
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as Het
-- SignedBy will be a magic built in type that requires type checker support
-- seems likely in practice that i'll need to have some singleton structures
record SignedBy {ℓ } (t : Set ℓ ) ( identity : String ) : Set ℓ where
val : t
uniqueCounter : ℕ --- unique natural number th
hashOfVal : ℕ --- nat number thats a Cryptographically Strong Hash
of the canonical serialization of val
signature : String --- signature of concatenation of
---(hashfOfVal , uniqueCounter), using the public
key denotated by identity
data AsDelegate : Set where
IsDelegate : AsDelegate
IsLeaf : AsDelegate
open AsDelegate
record TypeSing {ℓ : Level} ( tau : Set ℓ ) (v : tau) : Set ℓ where
singVal : tau
singIsSing : singVal ≡ v
record Pair {tx ty : Level} ( x : Set tx ) (y : Set ty ) : Set ( Level.suc
(tx Level.⊔ ty )) where
constructor mkPair
one : x
two : y
data OnBehalfOf : String -> String -> AsDelegate -> Set where
Self : { x : String } -> OnBehalfOf x x IsDelegate
DelegatedTo : {root mid : String} -> (end : String)->
SignedBy ( mkPair (OnBehalfOf mid root IsDelegate) (
TypeSing String end)) mid ->
---- not sure how to hack around this type universe
issue... am I getting impredicative or wishing i was?
OnBehalfOf end root IsDelegate
LeafAuth : {root mid : String} -> (end : String) -> OnBehalfOf mid root
IsDelegate -> OnBehalfOf end root IsLeaf
equivalent datalog would be (roughly)
onBehalfOf(agent,originalPerson,Delegate) :-
onBhealfOf(leafAgent,originalPerson,LEAF) :-