[Agda] `<' reasoning
Sergei Meshveliani
2017-12-07 20:14:42 UTC

I meet the following difficulty in Agda reasoning about _<_.

For Nat, it is all right, because m < n is defined as suc m ≤ n,
and it works the construct

e[1]<e[n] =
begin suc e[1] ≤⟨ .. ⟩
... ≡⟨ .. ⟩

formed with standard functions
begin_ , _∎ , _≡⟨_⟩_ , _≤⟨_⟩_

But there are domains without suc operator (agreed with _≤_, _<_).
For example, consider the proof

postulate bs1<bs'1 : bs1 < bs'1

goal : 0bs1 < 0# + 0bs'1
goal = subst₂ _<_ (sym eq0) eq1 le
eq0 : 0bs1 ≡ bs1 * 2bin
eq0 = *2≗*2bin bs1

eq1 = begin bs'1 * 2bin ≡⟨ sym (*2≗*2bin bs'1) ⟩
bs'1 *2 ≡⟨ sym (0+ 0bs'1) ⟩
0# + 0bs'1

le : bs1 * 2bin < bs'1 * 2bin
le = *bs1-mono-< [ 0b ] bs1<bs'1

_≤_ is defined as x ≤ y = x < y ⊎ x ≡ y.
And imagine that we do not use suc for redefining _≤_.

This is more difficult to compose and to read than the `linear'
construct of
goal =
begin< 0bs1 (1) ≡[ *2≗*2bin bs1 ]
bs1 * 2bin (2) <[ *bs1-mono-< [ 0b ] bs1<bs'1 ]
bs'1 * 2bin (3) ≡[ sym (*2≗*2bin bs'1) ]
bs'1 *2 (4) ≡[ sym (0+ 0bs'1) ]
0# + 0bs'1 (5)

Each next term in the column is less or is equal to the current one,
and there is at least one line of the strict construct (that is of
_<[_]_). Hence this proves the goal.

Are there provers in Standard library that enable writing something like
the above `linear' proofs with _<_ ?


Ulf Norell
2017-12-08 08:45:01 UTC
Here's how you can do it:


I'll leave it as an exercise to hook it up to the relevant structures in
the standard library.

/ Ulf
Post by Sergei Meshveliani
I meet the following difficulty in Agda reasoning about _<_.
For Nat, it is all right, because m < n is defined as suc m ≀ n,
and it works the construct
e[1]<e[n] =
begin suc e[1] ≀⟚ .. ⟩
... ≡⟚ .. ⟩
formed with standard functions
begin_ , _∎ , _≡⟚_⟩_ , _≀⟚_⟩_
But there are domains without suc operator (agreed with _≀_, _<_).
For example, consider the proof
postulate bs1<bs'1 : bs1 < bs'1
goal : 0bs1 < 0# + 0bs'1
goal = subst₂ _<_ (sym eq0) eq1 le
eq0 : 0bs1 ≡ bs1 * 2bin
eq0 = *2≗*2bin bs1
eq1 = begin bs'1 * 2bin ≡⟚ sym (*2≗*2bin bs'1) ⟩
bs'1 *2 ≡⟚ sym (0+ 0bs'1) ⟩
0# + 0bs'1
le : bs1 * 2bin < bs'1 * 2bin
le = *bs1-mono-< [ 0b ] bs1<bs'1
_≀_ is defined as x ≀ y = x < y ⊎ x ≡ y.
And imagine that we do not use suc for redefining _≀_.
This is more difficult to compose and to read than the `linear'
construct of
goal =
begin< 0bs1 (1) ≡[ *2≗*2bin bs1 ]
bs1 * 2bin (2) <[ *bs1-mono-< [ 0b ] bs1<bs'1 ]
bs'1 * 2bin (3) ≡[ sym (*2≗*2bin bs'1) ]
bs'1 *2 (4) ≡[ sym (0+ 0bs'1) ]
0# + 0bs'1 (5)
Each next term in the column is less or is equal to the current one,
and there is at least one line of the strict construct (that is of
_<[_]_). Hence this proves the goal.
Are there provers in Standard library that enable writing something like
the above `linear' proofs with _<_ ?
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Sandro Stucki
2017-12-08 11:14:47 UTC
Hi Sergei,

The usual preorder reasoning framework from the standard library does
not work for _<_ because strict orders are irreflexive, but
reflexivity is crucial in the implementation of

Ulf's gist gets around that by defining a different framework for
inequality reasoning that is not based on

Another solution is to relax the requirements of
Relation.Binary.PreorderReasoning to allow reasoning about arbitrary
transitive relations that respect the underlying equality but are not
necessarily reflexive. Here's a possible implementation:


The drawback of this solution is that it's not specific to
strict/non-strict orders so it doesn't allow mixing strict and
non-strict steps in the way Ulf's framework does. I suspect that this
limitation could be overcome via the conversion modules
Relation.Binary.{StrictToNonStrict,NonStrictToStrict} but I have not
tried that.

Post by Ulf Norell
I'll leave it as an exercise to hook it up to the relevant structures in the
standard library.
/ Ulf
Post by Sergei Meshveliani
I meet the following difficulty in Agda reasoning about _<_.
For Nat, it is all right, because m < n is defined as suc m ≤ n,
and it works the construct
e[1]<e[n] =
begin suc e[1] ≤⟨ .. ⟩
... ≡⟨ .. ⟩

formed with standard functions
begin_ , _∎ , _≡⟨_⟩_ , _≤⟨_⟩_
But there are domains without suc operator (agreed with _≤_, _<_).
For example, consider the proof
postulate bs1<bs'1 : bs1 < bs'1
goal : 0bs1 < 0# + 0bs'1
goal = subst₂ _<_ (sym eq0) eq1 le
eq0 : 0bs1 ≡ bs1 * 2bin
eq0 = *2≗*2bin bs1
eq1 = begin bs'1 * 2bin ≡⟨ sym (*2≗*2bin bs'1) ⟩
bs'1 *2 ≡⟨ sym (0+ 0bs'1) ⟩
0# + 0bs'1

le : bs1 * 2bin < bs'1 * 2bin
le = *bs1-mono-< [ 0b ] bs1<bs'1
_≤_ is defined as x ≤ y = x < y ⊎ x ≡ y.
And imagine that we do not use suc for redefining _≤_.
This is more difficult to compose and to read than the `linear'
construct of
goal =
begin< 0bs1 (1) ≡[ *2≗*2bin bs1 ]
bs1 * 2bin (2) <[ *bs1-mono-< [ 0b ] bs1<bs'1 ]
bs'1 * 2bin (3) ≡[ sym (*2≗*2bin bs'1) ]
bs'1 *2 (4) ≡[ sym (0+ 0bs'1) ]
0# + 0bs'1 (5)
Each next term in the column is less or is equal to the current one,
and there is at least one line of the strict construct (that is of
_<[_]_). Hence this proves the goal.
Are there provers in Standard library that enable writing something like
the above `linear' proofs with _<_ ?
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Nils Anders Danielsson
2017-12-08 13:58:35 UTC
Post by Sandro Stucki
Another solution is to relax the requirements of
Relation.Binary.PreorderReasoning to allow reasoning about arbitrary
transitive relations that respect the underlying equality but are not
In a proof-relevant setting it can also be nice to avoid inserting extra
steps in proofs. I often use combinators of the following kind:

finally : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} (x y : A) → x ≡ y → x ≡ y
finally _ _ x≡y = x≡y

syntax finally x y x≡y = x ≡⟨ x≡y ⟩∎ y ∎

I also have a library that allows you to mix different relations:


One key piece is the following abstraction of transitivity:

record Transitive {a b p q} {A : Set a} {B : Set b}
(P : A → A → Set p) (Q : A → B → Set q) :
Set (a ⊔ b ⊔ p ⊔ q) where
constructor is-transitive
transitive : ∀ {x y z} → P x y → Q y z → Q x z

(I also have one where transitivity goes from P and Q to P.) It is then
up to users of the library to define suitable instances.
Sergei Meshveliani
2017-12-09 10:25:56 UTC
Post by Ulf Norell
Great! It works.
Thanks to people for the references.
I just start with the first one.

Ulf, it remains a minor question about including there the functionality

In the below example, the equality goal test4 needs using ≡-Reasoning
and renaming the operators begin_ and _∎.

Can InequalityReasoning be fixed so as to include the functionality of
(so that import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality to be canceled)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PE
using (_≡_; refl; sym)
open import Data.List using ([])

open import Bin0 using (0#; 1bin; _<_; _≤_; _+_) -- of application
open import BinProp0 using (0<bs1; 0≤) --
open import BinProp1 using (0+; +0; +-comm) --

open import LtReasoning using (module InequalityReasoning)
-- by U. Norell

open PE.≡-Reasoning renaming (begin_ to begin≡_; _∎ to _end≡)
-- renaming forced
leq-refl : ∀ {x y} → x ≡ y → x ≤ y
lt-trans : ∀ {x y z} → x < y → y < z → x < z
leq-trans : ∀ {x y z} → x ≤ y → y ≤ z → x ≤ z
lt/leq-trans : ∀ {x y z} → x < y → y ≤ z → x < z
leq/lt-trans : ∀ {x y z} → x ≤ y → y < z → x < z

open InequalityReasoning _<_ _≤_
(\ {x y} → leq-refl {x} {y})
(\ {x y z} → lt-trans {x} {y} {z})
(\ {x y z} → leq-trans {x} {y} {z})
(\ {x y z} → lt/leq-trans {x} {y} {z})
(\ {x y z} → leq/lt-trans {x} {y} {z})
test1 : 0# < 1bin
test1 = begin
0# ≤[ 0≤ 0# ]
0# ≡[ refl ]
0# <[ 0<bs1 [] ]

test2 : 0# + 1bin ≡ 1bin + 0#
test2 = +-comm 0# 1bin

test3 : 0# ≤ 0# + 0#
test3 = begin 0# ≡[ sym (0+ 0#) ]
0# + 0#

test4 : 1bin ≡ 0# + 1bin -- InequalityReasoning is not enough here

test4 = begin≡ 1bin ≡⟨ sym (+0 1bin) ⟩
1bin + 0# ≡⟨ +-comm 1bin 0# ⟩
0# + 1bin


Post by Ulf Norell
I meet the following difficulty in Agda reasoning about _<_.
For Nat, it is all right, because m < n is defined as suc m ≤ n,
and it works the construct
e[1]<e[n] =
begin suc e[1] ≤⟨ .. ⟩
... ≡⟨ .. ⟩

formed with standard functions
begin_ , _∎ , _≡⟨_⟩_ , _≤⟨_⟩_
But there are domains without suc operator (agreed with _≤_, _<_).
For example, consider the proof
postulate bs1<bs'1 : bs1 < bs'1
goal : 0bs1 < 0# + 0bs'1
goal = subst₂ _<_ (sym eq0) eq1 le
eq0 : 0bs1 ≡ bs1 * 2bin
eq0 = *2≗*2bin bs1
eq1 = begin bs'1 * 2bin ≡⟨ sym (*2≗*2bin bs'1) ⟩
bs'1 *2 ≡⟨ sym (0+ 0bs'1) ⟩
0# + 0bs'1

le : bs1 * 2bin < bs'1 * 2bin
le = *bs1-mono-< [ 0b ] bs1<bs'1
_≤_ is defined as x ≤ y = x < y ⊎ x ≡ y.
And imagine that we do not use suc for redefining _≤_.
This is more difficult to compose and to read than the
construct of
goal =
begin< 0bs1 (1) ≡[ *2≗*2bin bs1 ]
bs1 * 2bin (2) <[ *bs1-mono-< [ 0b ] bs1<bs'1 ]
bs'1 * 2bin (3) ≡[ sym (*2≗*2bin bs'1) ]
bs'1 *2 (4) ≡[ sym (0+ 0bs'1) ]
0# + 0bs'1 (5)
Each next term in the column is less or is equal to the current one,
and there is at least one line of the strict construct (that is of
_<[_]_). Hence this proves the goal.
Are there provers in Standard library that enable writing something like
the above `linear' proofs with _<_ ?
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