Sergei Meshveliani
2018-11-17 11:35:18 UTC
Please, what it wrong here?
open import Level using (suc; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel; IsEquivalence; _Preserves_⟶_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ)
record Setoid {α} α= (Carrier : Set α) : Set (suc (α ⊔ α=)) where
infix 4 _≈_
_≈_ : Rel Carrier α=
isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_
module _ {α α= β β=} {C : Set α} {C' : Set β}
(S : Setoid α= C) (S' : Setoid β= C')
open Setoid {{...}}
CongruentMap : Set _
CongruentMap = Σ (C → C') (\f → f Preserves _≈_ ⟶ _≈_)
Agda 2.6.0-c5cbc7e :
"No instance of type Setoid _ℓ₁_29 C was found in scope.
when checking that the expression _≈_ has type Rel C _ℓ₁_29
open import Level using (suc; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel; IsEquivalence; _Preserves_⟶_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ)
record Setoid {α} α= (Carrier : Set α) : Set (suc (α ⊔ α=)) where
infix 4 _≈_
_≈_ : Rel Carrier α=
isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_
module _ {α α= β β=} {C : Set α} {C' : Set β}
(S : Setoid α= C) (S' : Setoid β= C')
open Setoid {{...}}
CongruentMap : Set _
CongruentMap = Σ (C → C') (\f → f Preserves _≈_ ⟶ _≈_)
Agda 2.6.0-c5cbc7e :
"No instance of type Setoid _ℓ₁_29 C was found in scope.
when checking that the expression _≈_ has type Rel C _ℓ₁_29